CancerWatch – tell me more!

Thank you for your interest in CancerWatch. We exist to enable people whose lives have been affected by cancer to campaign for improved public health policy, so that preventable cancers can ultimately be eliminated.

We hope that you will join us on this journey. If you agree to receive emails from us, we will keep you updated on our work, and let you know about opportunities to get involved.

As well as letting you sign up for updates, this form asks you for a little bit of personal information about yourself, including your age and where you live. This is just so that we have an idea about the types of people who are interested in supporting us. It’s optional, but would be helpful for us to have. We won’t pass any of the information you give us on to anyone else, or use it for anything outside our work on CancerWatch.

If you would like to get more involved at an early stage, there is an option at the end of this form to express interest in becoming a trustee.

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1. You are:
2. How have you been affected by cancer personally?
Do you agree to receiving email updates about CancerWatch’s work?
Would you like to express interest in becoming a trustee of CancerWatch, when we register as a charity? If you are, we will ask you for a bit more information about yourself on the next page.

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