Our Vision
CancerWatch was set up to enable people whose lives have been affected by cancer to campaign for improved public health policy. We are passionate about eliminating preventable cancers and believe that government legislation and public health policy are key instruments for achieving this. We believe it is the responsibility of public policy makers to provide an environment that reduces the incidence of cancer and keeps us safe from cancer and other dread diseases.
Personal responsibility is important in the battle to prevent cancer, but is not sufficient to protect the population from this disease, and responsibility for a healthier society lies on the shoulders of policy makers and the health environment that they create.
We believe that by creating a healthier society that is more enlightened about the prevention of disease, we can create a world that keeps us free from illness and despair. However, that cannot come about unless we develop the environment to make this to happen. CancerWatch campaigns for the creation of such a society.
CancerWatch Trustees
Biographies of Trustees
Jill Clark
Jill is the Chair and Founder of CancerWatch having lost her husband at the age of 46 to oesophageal cancer when her two children were nursery age. She has campaigned against cancer ever since and became aware of the lack of interest in preventing cancer before the disease develops, rather than treating it once the disease has occurred.
She therefore set up CancerWatch to remedy this failing and to make people more aware of the lifestyle modifications they can make to prevent cancer. Prior to her chairmanship of CancerWatch, she was a financial professional in the City.

John Kell
John is an experienced policy professional, having worked in the private, public and voluntary sectors over the last 20 years. This includes more than a decade in health policy, including 5 years as Head of Policy at the Patients’ Association. Having initially provided policy support to CancerWatch, John remains with us as a trustee.

Adrian Thompson
Adrian is a retired professional trustee. He has taken a keen interest in cancer since his mother was diagnosed with it over 15 years ago, and has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer himself. Adrian was a school governor for 12 years (including 2 years as chairman) and has also served as a governor of an NHS Foundation Trust. He travels extensively but when at home splits his time between London and North Wales.

The CancerWatch is supported by a team of specialist consultants from Impact Policy.
Claire Mathys
Claire is the founder of Impact Policy [link
https://www.impactpolicy.co.uk/], a policy and public affairs consultancy, which specialises in helping charities and other social purpose organisations be effective in influencing public policy, whether at a national, regional or local level. She has a decade of experience on the
front-line of politics where she worked as a senior adviser to party leaders, Ministers and peers in the House of Lords. Her consultancy work
spans a range of sectors including health, housing, financial inclusion, employment and children’s policy.

Andrew Dixon
Andrew is a policy and communications consultant. He works with charities and third sector organisations to help them develop their policy ideas, their messages and their influence. As well as his consulting work, he works part-time leading the policy work of a social cohesion charity and is also a local councillor, elected in May 2022. He has over 15 years of experience working in policy and public affairs, having previously worked as Head of Policy for a leading trade association and Head of Public Affairs and Policy
for a large charity.

Natalie Mills
Natalie is a social policy and advocacy consultant passionate about enabling partnerships between organisations delivering impact on the ground with Government and policymakers tasked with creating effective policy and legislative change. Natalie previously led the Advocacy unit of a national children’s charity and as part of this role, she designed and catalysed a national network for local authority representatives and ran an all-party parliamentary group. Committed to amplifying the voices of those with lived experience, she has delivered a number of campaigns to spotlight pressing challenges facing young people with demonstrable policy and practice impact as a result.

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